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IN-PERSON and VIRTUAL Workshop Schedule

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For Constitutionally required officer trainings please visit this page.

For in-person select your Region below or select VIRTUAL to view workshop offerings
Long Island Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 1 office at 631-600-4800.

***There are currently no scheduled trainings.

**Must attend both days

Metropolitan Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 2 office at 646-527-6500.

Time & Attendance

CSEA Region 2 Office

125 Maiden Lane, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10038

This advanced workshop is designed to provide State Government bargaining unit officers and disciplinary representatives with basic knowledge and skills necessary to represent members under the Article 33 Time and Attendance Procedure. Participants must complete this workshop and be designated by their Local/Unit President to represent members under this procedure.

July 30th, 2024 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Conflict Management for Union Members

CSEA Region 2 Office

125 Maiden Lane, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10038

In this three-hour interactive workshop, participants will learn how conflict manifests itself and how to identify the elements of a conflict by gaining an understanding of the messages and the sources of conflict. 

July 31st, 2024 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm

**Must attend both days

Southern Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 3 office at 845-831-1000.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, August 24, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

**Must attend both days

Capital Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 4 office at 518-782-4400.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation

CSEA Local 857 Office

657 Route 9, Queensbury, NY 12804

In this basic workshop, participants will review the elements of their contract disciplinary procedure and/or Civil Service Law Section 75, the categories of discipline and the basic steps and rights of union representatives and employees in disciplinary interrogations. Completion of this workshop complies with the disciplinary training requirement as outlined in the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article V, Section 6. Participants must complete this workshop and be designated by their Local/Unit President to represent members in the disciplinary process.

July 30th and July 31st 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm**

**Must attend both days

Central Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 5 office at 315-433-0050.

Contract Negotiations: Team Training

CSEA Binghampton Satellite Office

71 Bache State st. Bache Building

Binghampton, NY 13901

This interactive workshop is designed for local government units and private sector local union officers and activists: who wish to develop a strategy for the Contract Negotiating Team that accompanies the Labor Relations Specialist to the bargaining table to negotiate the unit’s collective bargaining agreement. This workshop is open to any local government/private sector CSEA member interested in becoming part of or learning more about the work of contract negotiating team.

July 29th and July 30th, 2024 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm**

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Canton (Region 5)
Saturday, August 17, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**Must attend both days

Western Region

To Register for any of these workshops please call the Region 6 office at 716-799-8040.

***There are currently no scheduled trainings.

** Must attend both days


Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION

This workshop is for officers and activists in Local Government and NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units that have completed the basic Local Government Discipline workshop. Participants will have an opportunity to review their role and employee rights within the disciplinary process and practice their skills in preparing and representing members during disciplinary interrogations. Completion of this workshop will ensure compliance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article 5, Section 6. Participants must complete this workshop and be appointed by their Local/Unit President to be certified to represent members in the disciplinary process.

Friday, July 26, 10 am to 12 pm

To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

This workshop is for all private sector Local officers and activists who wish to represent their members in disciplinary matters. Would you like to learn how to build a stronger union? In this workshop, you will learn how to defend the rights of members in interrogations/investigatory interviews and how to distinguish between an interrogation/investigatory interview and other supervisory discussions that do not entitle workers to union representation. This workshop meets Local officers’ disciplinary training requirement. Participants must complete this workshop and be appointed by their Local President to be certified to represent members in the disciplinary process.

Saturday, July 27, 10 am to 12 pm

To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

This workshop is designed for officers and activists that have completed the basic grievance representation workshop. In this interactive workshop, participants will practice reviewing fact patterns, conduct a grievance investigation, apply applicable contract language, and discuss the basics of presenting a grievance to management. Completion of this workshop will ensure compliance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article 5, Section 6.

This workshop is for ALL State, Local Government and Private Sector bargaining unit officers and activists who have completed the two-part basic grievance representation workshop.

Monday, August 5, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:


State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION

This workshop is designed for New York State bargaining unit (ASU, ISU, OSU, DMNA) officers and activistswho have completed the basic State Government Discipline workshop. Participants will have an opportunity to review their role and employee rights, and practice their skills in preparing and representing members in interrogations under Article 33.  Participants must complete this workshop and be appointed by their Local/Unit President to be certified to represent members in the disciplinary process.

Tuesday, August 6, 12 pm to 2 pm

To register:

How to Conduct a New Member Orientation

With the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v. AFSCME, it is more important than ever that we introduce new employees to the benefits we have fought for and won.  This program is designed to give you the resources necessary to implement and build your own new member orientation program for your local or unit.

This workshop is for Local and Unit officers and activists who are interested in building a more effective New Member Orientation Program.

Tuesday, August 6, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:

An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act

Would you like to learn the basic knowledge and skills necessary to understand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? In this webinar, you will focus on eligibility requirements, qualifying conditions, and certification requirements to enable CSEA Activists to be better prepared to represent CSEA members who wish to use the FMLA.

This workshop is designed for CSEA Local/Unit Officers, Stewards, Grievance Representatives, and Activists who are interested in learning their rights, roles, and responsibilities under the FMLA.

Wednesday, August 7, 12 pm to 2 pm

To register:

Building Our Union: One-to-One Conversations

Effective CSEA leaders use one-to-one relational conversations to build strong connections with potential activists and engage them in organizing their co-workers and winning real improvements in the workplace. During this workshop, participants will learn about the purpose and method of one-to-one relational conversations, observe a relational conversation, and then lead one-to-one conversations with other participants.

Thursday, August 8, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:

Conducting Successful Meetings

Much of the business of the union is done during meetings–general membership meetings, executive board meetings, committee meetings, steward meetings and many other types of meetings. In order for these meetings to be productive and useful, the leaders and participants of the meetings must be aware of some basic information. In this workshop, we will identify the characteristics of successful meetings, examine the different types of meetings held within the union context, learn the basics of parliamentary procedure, and practice meeting preparation and participation techniques.

Monday, August 12, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:

Labor-Management Committee Training

This workshop provides CSEA Local Government and Private Sector Officers and activists with an overview on the role of labor-management committees in resolving workplace issues, including what types of issues are appropriate for labor-management committees, operating procedures for such committees, and principled or “interest-based” bargaining techniques to use in labor-management discussions. In addition, participants will role play a labor-management committee session.

Tuesday, August 13, 12 pm to 2 pm

To register:

The 7 Tests of Just Cause  

In this webinar, you will learn about the seven tests management must meet in order to discipline an employee.  This will be especially useful for members who have already taken a Discipline and Interrogation workshop from the Education and Training department.  Attendance of this workshop does not meet officers’ and discipline representatives’ Discipline & Interrogation training requirement.

This workshop is open to All CSEA Members.

Wednesday, August 14, 12 pm to 1 pm

To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

This workshop is designed for officers and activists who have completed the basic grievance representation workshop. In this interactive workshop, participants will practice reviewing fact patterns, conduct a grievance investigation, apply applicable contract language, and discuss the basics of presenting a grievance to management. Completion of this workshop will ensure compliance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article 5, Section 6.

This workshop is for ALL State, Local Government and Private Sector bargaining unit officers and activists who have completed the two-part basic grievance representation workshop.

Wednesday, August 14, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION

This workshop is for officers and activists in Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units who have completed the basic Local Government Discipline workshop. Participants will have an opportunity to review their role and employee rights within the disciplinary process and practice their skills in preparing and representing members during disciplinary interrogations. Completion of this workshop will ensure compliance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article 5, Section 6. Participants must complete this workshop and be appointed by their Local/Unit President to be certified to represent members in the disciplinary process.

Thursday, August 15, 12 pm to 2 pm

To register:

The 7 Tests of Just Cause

In this webinar, you will learn about the seven tests management must meet in order to discipline an employee.  This will be especially useful for members who have already taken a Discipline and Interrogation workshop from the Education and Training department.  Attendance of this workshop does not meet officers’ and discipline representatives’ Discipline & Interrogation training requirement.

This workshop is open to All CSEA Members.

Tuesday, August 20, 6 pm to 7 pm

To register:

Labor History

Labor History is our history! But what is Labor History? Labor activists rarely have the opportunity to reflect on the history of labor and the American labor movement. In this workshop, participants will learn about different events in labor history, including the workplace struggles that preceded us. We will discuss how we can use our knowledge of these struggles to help write the history of the current and future labor movement. Finally, we will learn how CSEA’s history fits into the American labor movement.

Wed. August 21 and Thu. August 22, 6 pm to 8 pm**

To register:

Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation

This advanced workshop is designed for Local/Unit Officers and Certified Grievance Representatives who have completed the Local Government/Private Sector Grievance workshop. The workshop is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and basic skills necessary to understand and interpret contact language.

Monday, August 26, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:

Advanced Steward: Building an Activist Network

This workshop is designed for officers and activists who have completed the basic Steward Workshop. Participants will refresh and sharpen their skills by practicing communication skills, understanding the importance of recruiting and encouraging member involvement, and review how to choose and organize around workplace issues to build the union.

Tuesday, August 27, 6 pm to 8 pm

To register:


Building Our Union: One-to-One Conversations

Effective CSEA leaders use one-to-one relational conversations to build strong connections with potential activists and engage them in organizing their co-workers and winning real improvements in the workplace. During this workshop, participants will learn about the purpose and method of one-to-one relational conversations, observe a relational conversation, and then lead one-to-one conversations with other participants.

Wednesday, August 28, 12 pm to 2 pm

To register:

 **This is a 2-part workshop, must participate in both parts to receive credit

(Zoom links for Education and Training Webinar are sent from